Matched route
Route Matching Logs
Path to match:
# | Route name | Path | Log |
1 | api_genid | /api/.well-known/genid/{id} | Path does not match |
2 | api_doc | /api/docs.{_format} | Path does not match |
3 | api_graphql_entrypoint | /api/graphql | Path does not match |
4 | api_graphql_graphql_playground | /api/graphql/graphql_playground | Path does not match |
5 | api_jsonld_context | /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} | Path does not match |
6 | api_contents_get_collection | /api/contents.{_format} | Path does not match |
7 | api_contents_post_collection | /api/contents.{_format} | Path does not match |
8 | api_contents_get_item | /api/contents/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
9 | api_contents_put_item | /api/contents/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
10 | api_contents_delete_item | /api/contents/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
11 | api_contents_fields_get_subresource | /api/contents/{id}/fields.{_format} | Path does not match |
12 | api_fields_get_collection | /api/fields.{_format} | Path does not match |
13 | api_fields_post_collection | /api/fields.{_format} | Path does not match |
14 | api_fields_get_item | /api/fields/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
15 | api_fields_put_item | /api/fields/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
16 | api_fields_delete_item | /api/fields/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
17 | api_relations_get_collection | /api/relations.{_format} | Path does not match |
18 | api_relations_post_collection | /api/relations.{_format} | Path does not match |
19 | api_relations_get_item | /api/relations/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
20 | api_relations_put_item | /api/relations/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
21 | api_relations_delete_item | /api/relations/{id}.{_format} | Path does not match |
22 | api_entrypoint | /bolt/api | Path does not match |
23 | bolt_login | /bolt/login | Path does not match |
24 | bolt_logout | /bolt/logout | Path does not match |
25 | bolt_bulk_status | /bolt/bulk/status/{status} | Path does not match |
26 | bolt_bulk_delete | /bolt/bulk/delete | Path does not match |
27 | bolt_clear_cache | /bolt/clearcache | Path does not match |
28 | bolt_content_new | /bolt/new/{contentType} | Path does not match |
29 | bolt_content_edit | /bolt/edit/{id} | Path does not match |
30 | bolt_edit_content_slug | /bolt/edit/{_locale}/{slugOrId} | Path does not match |
31 | bolt_content_edit_post | /bolt/edit/{id} | Path does not match |
32 | bolt_content_duplicate | /bolt/duplicate/{id} | Path does not match |
33 | bolt_content_duplicate_post | /bolt/duplicate/{id} | Path does not match |
34 | bolt_content_status | /bolt/status/{id} | Path does not match |
35 | bolt_content_delete | /bolt/delete/{id} | Path does not match |
36 | bolt_content_edit_locales | /bolt/edit_locales/{id} | Path does not match |
37 | bolt_dashboard | /bolt/ | Path does not match |
38 | bolt_extensions | /bolt/extensions | Path does not match |
39 | bolt_extensions_view | /bolt/extensions/{name} | Path does not match |
40 | bolt_file_edit | /bolt/file-edit/{location} | Path does not match |
41 | bolt_file-edit_post | /bolt/file-edit/{location} | Path does not match |
42 | bolt_file_delete | /bolt/file-delete/ | Path does not match |
43 | bolt_file_duplicate | /bolt/file-duplicate/ | Path does not match |
44 | bolt_filemanager | /bolt/filemanager/{location} | Path does not match |
45 | bolt_filemanager_delete | /bolt/filemanager-actions/delete/ | Path does not match |
46 | bolt_filemanager_create | /bolt/filemanager-actions/create | Path does not match |
47 | bolt_about | /bolt/about | Path does not match |
48 | bolt_kitchensink | /bolt/kitchensink | Path does not match |
49 | bolt_content_overview | /bolt/content/{contentType} | Path does not match |
50 | bolt_logviewer | /bolt/logviewer | Path does not match |
51 | bolt_media_edit | /bolt/media/edit/{id} | Path does not match |
52 | bolt_media_edit_post | /bolt/media/edit/{id} | Path does not match |
53 | bolt_media_new | /bolt/media/new | Path does not match |
54 | bolt_menupage | /bolt/menu/{slug} | Path does not match |
55 | bolt_forgot_password_request | /bolt/reset-password | Path does not match |
56 | bolt_check_email | /bolt/reset-password/check-email | Path does not match |
57 | bolt_reset_password | /bolt/reset-password/reset/{token} | Path does not match |
58 | bolt_users | /bolt/users | Path does not match |
59 | bolt_user_add | /bolt/user-edit/add | Path does not match |
60 | bolt_profile_edit | /bolt/profile-edit | Path does not match |
61 | bolt_user_edit | /bolt/user-edit/{id} | Path does not match |
62 | bolt_user_update_status | /bolt/user-status/{id} | Path does not match |
63 | bolt_user_delete | /bolt/user-delete/{id} | Path does not match |
64 | bolt_async_embed | /bolt/async/embed | Path does not match |
65 | bolt_async_filelisting | /bolt/async/list_files | Path does not match |
66 | bolt_async_upload_url | /bolt/async/upload-url | Path does not match |
67 | bolt_async_upload | /bolt/async/upload | Path does not match |
68 | thumbnail | /thumbs/{paramString}/{filename} | Path does not match |
69 | bolt_article_images | /bolt/async/article_images | Path does not match |
70 | bolt_article_files | /bolt/async/article_files | Path does not match |
71 | bolt_article_image_upload | /bolt/async/bolt_article_image_upload | Path does not match |
72 | bolt_article_file_upload | /bolt/async/bolt_article_file_upload | Path does not match |
73 | bolt_redactor_images | /bolt/async/redactor_images | Path does not match |
74 | bolt_redactor_files | /bolt/async/redactor_files | Path does not match |
75 | bolt_redactor_upload | /bolt/async/redactor_upload | Path does not match |
76 | _preview_error | /_error/{code}.{_format} | Path does not match |
77 | translation_index | /admin/_trans/{configName} | Path does not match |
78 | translation_show | /admin/_trans/{configName}/{locale}/{domain} | Path does not match |
79 | translation_create | /admin/_trans/{configName}/{locale}/{domain}/new | Path does not match |
80 | translation_edit | /admin/_trans/{configName}/{locale}/{domain} | Path does not match |
81 | translation_delete | /admin/_trans/{configName}/{locale}/{domain} | Path does not match |
82 | php_translation_profiler_translation_edit | /{token}/translation/edit | Path does not match |
83 | php_translation_profiler_translation_sync | /{token}/translation/sync | Path does not match |
84 | php_translation_profiler_translation_sync_all | /{token}/translation/sync_all | Path does not match |
85 | php_translation_profiler_translation_create_assets | /{token}/translation/create_assets | Path does not match |
86 | _wdt | /_wdt/{token} | Path does not match |
87 | _profiler_home | /_profiler/ | Path does not match |
88 | _profiler_search | /_profiler/search | Path does not match |
89 | _profiler_search_bar | /_profiler/search_bar | Path does not match |
90 | _profiler_phpinfo | /_profiler/phpinfo | Path does not match |
91 | _profiler_search_results | /_profiler/{token}/search/results | Path does not match |
92 | _profiler_open_file | /_profiler/open | Path does not match |
93 | _profiler | /_profiler/{token} | Path does not match |
94 | _profiler_router | /_profiler/{token}/router | Path does not match |
95 | _profiler_exception | /_profiler/{token}/exception | Path does not match |
96 | _profiler_exception_css | /_profiler/{token}/exception.css | Path does not match |
97 | record | /{contentTypeSlug}/{slugOrId} | Path does not match |
98 | record_locale | /{_locale}/{contentTypeSlug}/{slugOrId} | Path does not match |
99 | homepage | / | Path does not match |
100 | homepage_locale | /{_locale}/ | Path does not match |
101 | listing | /{contentTypeSlug} | Path almost matches, but Requirement for "contentTypeSlug" does not match (homepage|pages|entries|people|blocks|products|news|jobs|page|entry|person|block|product|news-item|job) |
102 | listing_locale | /{_locale}/{contentTypeSlug} | Path does not match |
103 | bolt_content_edit_preview | /preview/{id} | Path does not match |
104 | bolt_content_edit_get | /preview/{id} | Path does not match |
105 | search | /search | Path does not match |
106 | search_locale | /{_locale}/search | Path does not match |
107 | taxonomy | /{taxonomyslug}/{slug} | Path does not match |
108 | taxonomy_locale | /{_locale}/{taxonomyslug}/{slug} | Path does not match |
109 | front_contact | /contactez-moi | Path does not match |
Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.